ADHD Counselling in the GTA: Tips to Deal with Adult ADHD.
Michael Kang • October 3, 2022

If you have ADHD everything from chores, basic hygiene, paying your bills, and keeping up with friends and family can be challenging. It can pose challenges to relationships within the workplace, family, and friends. It can negatively impact your work with things like procrastination, difficulty meeting deadlines, and impulsive behaviour. To make matters worse, you may feel alone and/or misunderstood. People may not understand the impact of ADHD on your life and label you as “lazy”, or “unmotivated”. 

Fortunately, there are tools to help you cope with ADHD.


Keep things minimal. It is helpful to do a deep clean to get rid of things that you do not need, and keep things that are essential. Once you completed the deep clean, create spaces or containers to organize your things. Put everyday use items like keys, wallets, phones, etc., in one place and go from there. 

Use calendars/ scheduling apps:

Having a central place to keep track of all your appointments, deadlines, and meetings is an effective way to stay on top of your responsibilities. Take advantage of functions like reminders to prevent you from forgetting what you need to do. 

Make Lists:

Create lists a master list of all things that you need to do. Prioritize them based on deadlines and ease. You want to make sure you finish things that are due earlier first, and you want to tackle low-hanging fruit first. From this master list, it is also a good idea to create a daily to-do list to focus on tasks for the day. 

Do it now:

If you are having an internal dialogue within yourself to either do something now or later - act on the thought before it’s too late. If there is a task that can be completed in 2-minutes, do it before the thought of pushing it back settles in. 

Dealing with ADHD poses real challenges in your life. Fortunately, there are ways to better cope with the challenges through psychoeducation and tool building. If you struggle with ADHD, contact us now to see if therapy is right for you. 

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